Why a Gratitude Board can be more effective than a Vision Board

I've enjoyed making Vision Boards for years. It's a wonderful process to bring focus, clarity and direction to what it is I really want. The downside is that I've never really been able to connect to it when it's complete. I've tried meditation and envisioning it in my life, but for some reason, I still struggle. I tend to get lost in daily routines and let the days unfold one after another, week after week and so on. I walk past the board and at times it becomes a reminder of what I don't have. It leaves me with this need for more, feelings of failure and feelings of lack are left with me every time I see it. It's filled with twenty different things I want and how on earth am I supposed to focus on all of that at once? It's overwhelming. It's confusing. It's unrealistic. Even if I achieve five of those things, I have fifteen more staring back at me, telling me that I'm not there yet.

Goals shouldn't be a means to happiness. 

They should be made to enhance the abundance we already feel. 

Practicing gratitude can bring awareness to your day and help shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life, which in turn can attract more positive experiences. By acknowledging and appreciating the good things you have, you become more aware of the abundance around you and are more likely to notice and attract even more things to be grateful for. Additionally, expressing gratitude can improve relationships, increase feelings of happiness, and reduce stress and anxiety. It helps show you that your life is whole, as is. From there if you want to set a goal to bring more into your life, wonderful! You have now created the space to welcome it into your life. 

Finding gratitude 

There are many things in life to be grateful for, including good health, supportive relationships, a comfortable home, access to education, enjoyable hobbies, and fulfilling work. Additionally, access to clean water, nutritious food, and healthcare are things that many people in the world do not have, and can also be appreciated. 

Creating your board

To create a Gratitude Board, you will need a few basic supplies like a poster board or a corkboard, scissors, glue or tape or push pins, magazines, and/or printed images or photos. You may also want to include inspiring quotes, affirmations, accomplishments and mementos of wonderful memories; anything that has had a positive impact on your life. Maybe some decorations that bring you joy, aesthetics can be something to appreciate too. 

Keep a journal near your Gratitude Board, next to your bed or anywhere you sit daily. Make a habit of writing down one thing every day that brought you joy, ease and less worry. Maybe it's something you witnessed between other people that gave you hope or inspired you in some way. Remember the saying, "Find joy in the little things."? Pay attention to this space as well. Maybe a bird's song, the warm sun on your face or a small gesture is something to take note of. 



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