AIP Food List
Strict AIP Recommended
Food List and Reintroduction Protocol
(link to pdf at end of post)
Fruits and Berries...
- Acai
- Acorn Squash
- Apples
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Banana
- Bilberries
- Bitter Melon
- Blackberry
- Blood Oranges
- Blueberry
- Boysenberry
- Buddha's Hand
- Butternut Squash
- Cantaloupe
- Chayote
- Cherry - not ground cherries
- Coconut
- Cranberry
- Cucumber
- Currants
- Damsons
- Dates
- Delicata Squash
- Dragon Fruit
- Elderberry
- Gooseberry
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Greengages
- Guava
- Huckleberry
- Honeydew Melon
- Hubbard Squash
- Jackfruit
- Kabocha Squash
- Kiwi
- Kumquat
- Lemons
- Limes
- Lingonberry
- Loganberry
- Lychee
- Mandarin
- Mango
- Melons – all varieties
- Mulberry
- Nectarine
- Olive – pimento free
- Oranges
- Papaya
- Passion Fruit
- Patty Pan Squash
- Paw-paw
- Peach
- Pear
- Persimmon
- Pineapple
- Plum
- Pomegranate – arils (not a seed)
- Pumpkin
- Quinces
- Raspberry
- Spaghetti Squash
- Squash – all varieties
- Star Fruit
- Strawberry
- Summer Squash
- Sweet Dumpling Squash
- Tangerine
- Watermelon
- Zucchini
- Artichoke
- Arugula / Rocket
- Asparagus
- Bamboo Shoots
- Beet -root and greens
- Bok Choy
- Borage Greens
- Broccoli
- Broccoli Rabe / Rapini
- Broccolini
- Brussels Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrot – root and greens
- Cauliflower
- Celeriac – celery root
- Celery
- Chard
- Chicory
- Chinese Leaf
- Collard Greens
- Daikon
- Dandelion
- Endive
- Escarole
- Fennel
- Fiddleheads
- Garlic Scapes
- Jerusalem Artichokes
- Jicama Root
- Kale
- Kohlrabi – root and greens
- Leek
- Lettuces
- Lotus Root
- Mushrooms
- Mustard Greens
- Nettles
- Onions – red, yellow, shallot etc
- Parsnip
- Radicchio
- Radish
- Ramps
- Rhubarb – stems only
- Romaine
- Romanesco
- Rutabaga / Swede
- Salsify
- Scallion / Green Onion
- Sea Vegetables – no algae or kelp
- Shallot
- Spinach
- Spring Greens
- Sweet Potatoes – roots and greens
- Taro
- Tiger Nuts
- Turnip – root and greens
- Water Chestnuts
- Watercress
- Yam / Ube
Seafood (all kinds)...
- Abalone
- Anchovy
- Bass
- Bonito
- Caviar
- Clams
- Cod
- Crab
- Eel
- Grouper
- Haddock
- Halibut
- Herring
- Lemon Sole
- Lobster
- Mackerel
- Mahi Mahi
- Monkfish
- Mussels
- Orange Roughy
- Oysters
- Perch
- Pilchard
- Plaice
- Rockfish
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Scallops
- Shrimp
- Skate
- Snapper
- Sole
- Squid
- Tilapia
- Trout
- Tuna
- Walleye
Meat (all kinds)...
- Alligator
- Bear
- Beef - grass fed / organic
- Bison
- Buffalo
- Caribou
- Chicken - organic
- Duck
- Elk
- Emu
- Goat
- Goose
- Kangaroo
- Lamb
- Moose
- Organ Meats
- Pheasant
- Pork
- Prosciutto
- Quail
- Rabbit
- Reindeer
- Sheep
- Snake
- Turkey - organic
- Veal
- Venison / Deer
- Wild Boar
- Avocado Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Duck Fat
- Goose Fat
- Lard
- Olive Oil
- Palm Shortening
- Salo
- Schmaltz
- Strutto
- Tallow
- Truffle Oil
- Basils
- Bay Leaf
- Black Salt – had an egg flavor
- Bonito Flakes
- Capers
- Chamomile
- Chervil
- Chives
- Cilantro
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Curry Leaf – not curry blend
- Dill Weed – not seed
- Edible Flowers
- Fennel Leaf
- Fenugreek Leaf
- Galangal – like ginger, hotter
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Horseradish
- Kaffir Lime Leaf
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Lemongrass
- Mace - like nutmeg, less sweet
- Marjoram
- Mint
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Saffron
- Sage
- Sea Salt / Pink Salt
- Savory
- Spearmint
- Tamarind Paste – deseeded
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Turmeric
- Vanilla Extract – alcohol free
- Vanilla Powder
- Wasabi
- Coconut Sugar
- Coconut Syrup
- Date Sugar
- Dried Fruits – like dates, etc
- Honey – raw
- Maple Sugar
- Maple Syrup
- Monk Fruit Sweetener
Flours (use in moderation)...
- Arrowroot Flour/Starch
- Coconut Flour
- Cricket Flour
- Green Banana Flour
- Pumpkin Flour (not seed flour)
- Sweet Potato Flour/Starch
- Tigernut Flour
- Water Chestnut Flour
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Bone Broth
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Carob - pod only, like chocolate
- Champagne Vinegar
- Coconut Aminos
- Coconut Vinegar
- Colatura di Alici
- Cream of Tartar
- Fermented Foods
- Fish Sauce (Red Boat brand)
- Gelatin – from grass fed beef
- Matcha
- Pectin
- Red Wine Vinegar
- Sherry Vinegar
- Shrimp Paste
- Teas – no green, black or white
- Ume Plum Vinegar
- White Wine Vinegar
- Yeast – active and nutritional
- Coconut Cream
- Coconut Milk
- Coconut Milk Kefir
- Coconut Yogurt
Digestion and Gut Wellness Supplements...
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine
- Bone Broth
- Butyrate
- Collagen Peptides
- Colloidal Silver
- Digestive Enzymes
- Gelatin – from grass fed beef (gelatin desserts)
- Glucosamine Chondroitin
- Ratfish Liver Oil
- L-Glutamine
- Prebiotics (if you have Candida Overgrowth then take Colloidal Silver, as directed, for 10 days first)
- Probiotics with HSO's (if you have Candida Overgrowth or SIBO then take Colloidal silver, as directed, for 10 days first)
- Turmeric
- Zinc
Foods That Can Possibly Aggravate the Gut
All Grains (including corn and gluten-free grains and grain based vinegars – rice, distilled white)
All Dairy (including milks, yogurts and cheeses from other animals, not just cows)
All Refined Processed Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners (including fructose and stevia)
Berry Spices (including allspice, star anise, caraway, cardamom, juniper, sumac, vanilla bean and peppercorns – black, white, green and pink)
Nuts (this includes whole nuts, flours, oils and butters)
Seeds (this includes whole seeds, coffee, cocoa, cacao and spices derived from seeds - anise, annatto, celery seed, coriander, cumin, fennel, fenugreek seeds, mustard, nutmeg, poppy and sesame)
Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, mesquite, clover, alfalfa, chickpeas, soy and peanuts)
Processed Meats (sausage, deli meat, hot dogs, salami, pepperoni, etc)
Nightshades (which are... potatoes (except sweet potato), eggplant, tomato, tamarillo, tomatillo, gogi berries, ground cherries, bell peppers, hot peppers, cayenne, nutmeg, paprika, tobacco, ashwagandha, pimentos, pepinos, cocona, garden huckleberry, kutjera, naranjillas and curry which is blend of nightshades)
Mucilage Producing Foods (flaxseeds, chia seeds, psyllium, aloe vera, kelp, okra, figs, algae (nori sheets, spirulina, chlorella, agar agar etc), cactus pads (aka nopales), fenugreek seeds, marshmallow root, slippery elm, licorice root, plantain, cassava (aka yuca and is also tapioca flour/starch))
Some “Superfoods” (wheat grass, maca, mesquite, bee pollen, ashwagandha, monk fruit, stevia)
Processed Foods
Food Additives and Preservatives and Emulsifiers/Thickeners
Artificial Dyes (example: Red Dye 40, Blue #1, Yellow #5 etc.)
Artificial Flavors (beware of “natural flavoring” on labels too)
Alcohol (including alcohol based extracts – unless cooked off)
Oils (except coconut, olive and avocado)
NSAIDS (aspirin and ibuprofen)
Ghee has the milk solids removed but the hormones remain
Paleo Reintro Phase
You're ready to begin this phase when you've been symptom free for at least a few months.
Start here, only one specific food at a time...
Phase 1:
Egg Yolks
Grass-Fed Ghee
Nut & Seed Oils (Almond, Hazelnut, Pumpkin, Sesame and Walnut – Walnuts often have the best results)
Seed Spices (Anise, Annatto, Celery, Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Mustard, Nutmeg,Poppy and Sesame)
Berry Spices (Allspice, Star Anise, Caraway, Cardamom, Juniper, Sumac, Peppercorns – Black, White, Green and Pink
and Raw Vanilla)
Phase 2:
Egg Whites
Grass-Fed Butter
Plantain (chips, flour, etc)
Cassava aka Yuca (chips, cassava flour, tapioca flour/starch)
Cocoa, Cacao
Nuts and Seeds (whole, flours and butters) including caffeine-free coffee
Phase 3:
Grass-Fed Fermented Dairy
Nightshade Vegetables
Phase 4:
Gluten-Free Grains
Nightshade Spices
Foods that you had to remove from the recommended list and any other foods you would like to reintroduce
High inflammation foods that aren't recommended back into your diet are Sugar, Gluten Grains and Non-Fermented
Dairy. Of course, it's ultimately up to you. You know what's best for you.
Select one food a week: Symptoms can take a couple days to appear so you want plenty of time to see if you react.
Start with one bite and wait a few hours.
If you have any reaction, it's too soon. Stop now.
If you don't notice anything, have a full serving.
If still no reaction, eat a couple more times this week.
how you felt before you tried the food
how you felt a few hours after having the full serving
how you felt the next day and the day after that
Did any of your symptoms return? Any discomfort at all? Focus on your entire body. Track your bowel movements and energy levels. What's your overall mood?
If you're reacting to these foods, stick with the recommended foods list awhile longer and try again when you really feel you're ready. Some foods you will be able to have in time and some are your low vibrational foods. Now you know!
Eat only the most high vibrational foods for you because those are what make you feel your best. If it makes you feel good and nourished then enjoy! Welcome it back into your diet.
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