Sadhana - what it is and why you should be doing it daily



By practicing any form of sadhana regularly, you can experience a greater sense of peace, understanding, and connection with the divine. Sadhana is a daily spiritual practice designed to help us connect with our highest potential. It can include activities such as meditation, yoga, mantra chanting, or any other activity that helps us become more mindful and connected to our inner self. The goal of Sadhana is to help us become aware of our own power, so that we can take action in our lives to create positive shifts. Sadhana can be done daily to help us stay connected to our spiritual practice and become more aware of our own potential. Doing Sadhana on a regular basis can help us become more self-aware, live in the present moment, and make positive changes in our lives.  Huzzah!

Here are some examples of sadhana and how each one can benefit you:

  1. Meditation: Meditating on a regular basis can reduce stress and improve clarity of mind, allowing you to better tap into your intuition and inner wisdom.
  2. Pranayama: Pranayama is a breathing technique that helps to bring balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. It can also help improve concentration, reduce anxiety, and boost energy.
  3. Yoga: Yoga can help improve flexibility, reduce stress, and bring a sense of peace and relaxation. A beautiful daily practice to try, is the Sun Salutations routine. 
  4. Qigong: The gentle and slow movements of qigong help our stuck vital life-force energy to flow again. It can lower our blood pressure and strengthen our immune systems. 
  5. Chanting Mantras: Chanting mantras can help to clear the mind, increase focus, and bring a sense of inner peace and spiritual connection.
  6. Japa: Japa is a type of meditation that involves repeating a mantra or phrase with a strand of 108 Mala Beads. It can help to deepen your spiritual practice, improve concentration, and create a positive mindset.
  7. Puja: Puja is a form of worship; prayer and ritual that helps to connect to the divine. It can bring greater clarity, a sense of joy and connection, and help to restore harmony in the body and mind.
  8. Reading Spiritual Texts: Reading spiritual texts can help to expand your knowledge and understanding of different spiritual paths and practices. It can also help inspire and motivate you on your spiritual journey.
  9. Journaling: Done in the morning, it can help us focus on what's most important to us throughout the day. Done in the evening, it can help us process all of the information and emotions we experienced during the day, allowing us to fall asleep easier and enjoy a restful sleep throughout the night. Starting your day with writing down one thing you're grateful for can do wonders to set your mood to positive. 
  10. Nature: Getting out into nature helps us clear our mind, connect to our emotions and boosts our mood. Finding some woods to wander, a trail to explore or even sitting under your favorite tree in a local park or in your back yard. 
  11. Going on Retreats: Going on retreats can help to deepen your practice and provide a space for reflection and contemplation. While you aren't likely to do this daily, you can find ways to create a retreat like space in your home.
  12. Mindfulness: It can be as simple as practicing mindfulness in our morning routines of showering, dressing and eating breakfast. Simply practicing acute awareness of your actions can bring clarity and focus to your day. Feel the water against your skin, be aware of how the fabric of your clothes feels, really taste your food and enjoy the textures. 

Even just 5 minutes every morning can create changes! Remain consistent and start with a goal of 40 days.  Click here for a 40 day tracker.

Not sure where to begin? Try just one on the list or try and include these 4 actions into your Sadhana...

  1. Movement
  2. Breathing
  3. Chanting
  4. Meditation 


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